The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2025)

Page 16 THURSDAYevening ing MOVIES March 12, 2009 BROADCAST 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 3 WAVE News (N) NBC Nightly News WAVE 3 News at 7 College Basketball "SEC Tournament" LIVE (:45) College Basketball "SEC Tournament" LIVE (N) (N) Raymond (TVPG) Friends (TVPG) Two and Men Two and Men Smallville "Infamous" (TVPG) (N) (HD) Supernatural "Death Takes a Raymond "The Standing (TVPG) The Bob Tom Show (TV14) (HD) 4 WTTV (HD) (HD) (N) (HD) Gift' 6 WRTV 6 News First at Six World News (N) 6 News at Seven (N) The Insider (N) Ugly Betty "A Mother of a Problem" Grey's Anatomy (TV14) (N) (HD) (:02) Private Practice "Finishing" 6 News Nightcast (HD) (:35) Nightline (N) (HD) (TVPG) (N) (HD) (N) (HD) (N) 8 WISH News CBS Evening News Inside Edition (N) Entertainment (N) Survivor: Tocantins The Brazilian High- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation "No Way (:01) Eleventh Hour "Olfactus" (TV14) News (HD) (:35) Late Show lands (N) Out' (N) (HD) (HD) 11 TWHAS11 Live at 6p World News (N) Entertainment (N) Inside Edition (N) Betty "A Mother of a Grey's Anatomy (TV14) (N) (HD) (:02) Private Practice "Finishing" WHAS11 News (N) (:35) Nightline (N) WHAS I(N) (HD) (TVPG) (N) (HD) (TV14) (N) (HD) (HD) 13 WTHR News (N) NBC Nightly News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (TV G) My Name Is Earl Kath Kim (N) The Office (N) 30 Rock (TV14) (N) ER "In Times of Old" (TVPG) (N) (HD) News (N) (:34) The Tonight (N) (N) (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) (HD) Show GED (TV G) Business Report The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (N) The Stater Brothers Farewell Concert (TV G) Highland Heartbeat News (TVPG) Kentucky (TV G) 15 WKPC (N) (HD) Design: e2 (TV G) Business Report The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer (N) The Weekly Special Across Indiana Globe Trekker (TVPG) The Natural History of the Chicken Tavis Smiley (N) WorldFocus 30 WTIU (HD) (HD) (TVPG) (R). News (N) CBS Evening News Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (TV G) Survivor: Tocantins The Brazilian High- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation "No Way (:01) Eleventh Hour "Olfactus" (TV14) News (N) (:35) Late Show 32 WLKY (N) (N) (HD) (lands (N) (N) (HD) (HD) (HD) 34 WBKI The People's Court (TVPG) (N) Paid Program TMZ (TVPG) (N) Smallville "Infamous" (TVPG) (N) (HD) Supernatural "Death Takes a Holiday' 'News (N) TMZ (TVPG) (R) Motorsports The Freak Show (TVPG) (N) (HD) Judge Judy Deal or No Deal Two and Men Raymond (TVPG) Bones 'The Bones That Foam" (TV14) Hell's Kitchen "11 Chefs Compete" FOX News at 10:00 (:45) FOX 41 Two and Men Friends (TVPG) 41 WDRB (TVPG) (HD) I(N) (HD) (TV14) (N) Sports (HD) 58 WMYO Family (TV14) King (TVPG) The Simpsons Family Games" "Patriot Passenger 57 (1992) (Wesley Snipes) A former anti-terrorist expert is on a plane According to Jim Scrubs "My Blind era" Seinfeld The Op- Gift" Raymond "The (TV14) seized by violent hijackers. (HD) (HD) 59 WXIN The Simpsons The Simpsons Family "Patriot Seinfeld Little Bones 'The Bones That Foam" (TV14) Hell's Kitchen "11 Chefs Compete" FOX 59 News (N) Family (TV14) Seinfeld 'The Op(TV14) (TV14) Games" Jerry I(N) (HD) K(TV14) (N) CABLE 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30 48 (TV14) (R) The First 48 (TV14) (R) (HD) The First 48 (TV14) (R) (HD) The First 48 (TV14) (R) (HD) The Beast (TV14) (N) (HD) The Beast (TV14) (R) (HD) AMC (5:15) In the Line of Fire (1993, Thriller) (Clint Eastwood) Agent fights 48 Hrs. (1982, Comedy) (Nick Nolte) Weary cop springs convict from prison to (:15) Caddyshack (1980, Comedy) (Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield) Caddies past to save president. (TV14) (HD) help track a down cop killers.

(TV14) create chaos at a golf club. (TV14) ANPL Weird True (TV G) (R) Rogue Nature "Elephants" Animal Cop (TVPG) (R) Cop "Hurricane Ike" Animal Cop (TVPG) (R) Cop (TVPG) (R) CMTV Nanny "Graham Family' Nanny "Delaney Makeover "Dore Family' Makeover Tugwell Family' Nurse Betty Woman thinks she i is soap opera nurse. CNBC Mad Money The Kudlow Report CNBC Reports Money Chase: Harvard (R) On the Money Mad Money CNN (4:00) Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight Campbell Brown: No Bias Larry King Live Anderson Cooper Breaking news and pop culture. COM (4:30) Meatballs I 911 (TV14) (R) Scrubs (TVPG) Scrubs "His Story Il" Daily Show (TV14) The Colbert Report Futurama (TVPG) South Prik (TVMA) South Park (TVMA) 911 (TV14) (R) Daily Show (N) The Colbert Report (1984) (HD) (HD) (R) (HD) (HD) (N) CSPAN U.S. House of Representatives (N) Tonight from Washington (N) Washington (N) News Today (N) (5:00) U.S.

Senate (N) U.S. Senate (N) Tonight from Washington The day's top public policy events. Capital News Today DISC Cash Cab (TV G) Cash Cab (TV G) It's Made (TV G) It's Made (TV G) Rampage! "Road Rampage 2" (TVPG) Destroyed (TV14) Destroyed (TV14) Treasure Quest 'The Liberty Ship" It's Made (TV G) It's Made (TV G) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (N). (R) (R) DISN Wizards "Fashion Wizards "Graphic Suite Life "Sink or Hannah (TV G) (R) Smart House (1999) (Ryan Merriman) Computerized (:35) Wizards (TV G) Wizards (TV G) (R) Derek (TV G) (R) Suite Life "Sink or 'Hannah (TV G) Novel Swim" house becomes overbearing. (R) Swim" DISNXD (5:00) Mulan (1998) (TV G) Spider Stevens Zack (TV G) Phil (TV G) Static Spider (TV G) Zack (TV G) Stevens (R) (5:00) 30 Celebrity Feuds News (N) Daily 10 (N) Happy Gilmore (1996) A man changes the face of golf.

Girls (TV14) Kardashian C. Lately (N) News (R) (:10) Jumpin' Jack Flash (1986, Comedy) (Whoopi Goldberg) Trapped spy Superbad (2007, Comedy) 1 (Jonah Hill) Nerdy high schoolers go to Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007, Action) (Johnny Depp) The ENC communicates by computer. great lengths to buy liquor for a party. (HD) Black Pearl battles Flying Dutchman. ESPN SportsCenter (HD) College Basketball "Big East Tournament: Quarterfinal from New York, NY College Basketball "Big East Toumament: Quarterfinal from New York, NY LIVE (HD) SportsCenter (HD) LIVE (HD) ESPN2 College Basketball (HD) College Basketball LIVE (HD) Scoreboard College Basketball LIVE (HD) Scoreboard FAM My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids '70s "Join To- Grease (1978, Musical) (John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John) A '50s teen falls for the Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club (TV G) (HD) (HD) gether" squeaky-clean new girl in school.

(PG) (TV14) (HD) I(TVPG) FOOD 30 Min. (R) 30 Min. (HD) Food Challenge (R) (HD) Good Eat Good Eat Iron Chef (TV G) (R) Ace Cake 'Ace Cake Good Eat Unwrap (R) FX (5:30) The Devil Wears Prada (2006) young woman becomes assistant to a find (2003) son of mob (The Rock) Bounty hunter is sent to the Amazon Rundown (2003) son (The Rock) Bounty hunter is sent to the Amazon A The Rundown The (demanding fashion editor. (TVPG) the gold-hunting a boss. find the gold-hunting of a mob boss.

FXSM (5:30) College Basketball Top 50 Pac-10 Live College Basketball "Pac-10 Tournament: Quarterfinal LIVE Basketball GOLF Golf Cntrl PGA Tournament CT) PGA Tournament from Doral Golf Resort Spa in Doral, Fla. (R) BUY ASHCRAFT FURNITURE 522-2072 HBO (5:00) Taking Chance Miss Congeniality (2000) A tomboy FBI agent goes undercover as a contes- Botswana: The (R) Ocean's Thirteen (2007) 1 The crew gets back together to get revenge against Real Sex "Let It All Hang Out" (TVMA) tant at a big beauty pageant. (HD) (HD) la Vegas Kingpin's empire. (HD) Designed Carter Can Curb App. Hunters (R) Property (R) Genevieve Hunters (N) Bought (N) Hunt Property Property (R) 1st Place HIST Barbarians "Huns" (TVPG) Modern Marvels (R) (HD) Modern Marvels (R) (HD) Gangland (TV14) (N) (HD) Warriors "Viking Terror' (N) Cities (TVPG) (R) (HD) LIFE Standing (TVPG) Still Standing "Pilot Reba (TVPG) (HD) Reba (TVPG) (HD) Reba (TVPG) (HD) Reba (TVPG) (HD) Intolerable Cruelty (2003) A successful divorce lawyer falls in love with a gold digger Will Grace (TV14) Will Grace (TV14) (he's taken to court.

(TV14) (HD) (HD) MAX (:20) The Golden Compass (2007, Fantasy) (Nicole Kidman) A girl 1 travels (:15) Pathfinder (2007) (Karl Urban) A Viking is raised by a Native American tribe Desperado (1995, Action) (Antonio Banderas) Man arrives in (:45) Zane's Sex (HD) across a fantastic land. PG-13) (HD) land grows-up to be their hero. town to face drug lord. MTV The Girls of (TV14) Real World XXI (TV14) Making the Band 4 (TVPG) Making the Band 4 (N) To Be Announced Making the Band 4 (TVPG) NICK Drake (TV) Drake (TVY) Drake (TVY) Drake (TVY). Sponge Sponge Home Imp Home Imp Lopez Lopez Matters Matters SCIFI SG-1 "Ripple Effect" (TVPG) Battlestar Galactica "Sometimes a Great No- My Battlestar Galactica "A Disquiet That Follows Battlestar Galactica 'The Oath" (TV14) Battlestar Galactica 'Blood on the Scales" Gryphon (2007) A winged creature becomes tion" (R) (R) (TV14)(R) la menace.

SHOW Father of the Bride (1991) (Steve Martin) A father pays (:45) School for Scoundrels (2006, Romance) (Billy Bob Thomton) Confi- Hot Rod (2007, Comedy) (Andy Samberg) Inept stuntman at- U.S. of Tara (TVMA) Diary -Call Girl (R) (for an elaborate wedding. dence-boosting class for young men. (HD) tempts risky stunt. (HD) (HD) (HD) SPEED Unique Whips Pimp Ride Pass Time Pinks All Out (HD) Bullrun (TV14) Bullrun (TV14) Pimp Ride Pass Time SPIKE CSI: NY "Like Water for Murder" (TV14) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Big Middle" CSI: Crime Scene Investigation "Comput- TNA: Wrestling iMPACT! (TV14) (N) (HD) 1000 Ways to Die 1000 Ways to Die (HD) (HD) sion" (HD) (HO) (HD) TBN (5:00) Praise the Lord Good News The Cross Behind Turning Siddiki Hinn (TV G) Praise the Lord (TV G) TBS Raymond 'The Ball" Friends (TVPG) Seinfeld 'The Pool Seinfeld 'The Rob- Friends (TVPG) Friends (TVPG) Friends (TVPG) Friends (TVPG) Doom (2005, Action) (Karl Urban) Space Marines are sent to battle demonic Guy' bery' beasts at a science lab on Mars.

TCM Tribute to a Bad Man (1956) (James Cagney) A tough rancher dispenses his Rembrandt (1936, Drama) (Charles Laughton) Rem- That Hamilton Woman (1941, Drama) (Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier) A married woman begins a scandalown brand of justice in the West. (brandt's work loses popularity. Jous affair with a naval hero. (TV G) TLC What Not to Wear "Ashley' Drivers (TV14) (R) "Mean Anemul" Street Customs (TVPG) (N) Stop Shouting at Me! Street "Monster Bentley" (R) TMC (:15) Whatever It Takes (2000, Romance) (Shane West, Marla Sokoloff) Two teens Barb Wire (1996) A buxom heroine helps smuggle a woman out of a militaristic Lady in White (1988) (Len Cariou) Little girt's ghost seeks help in finding her murderer line up dates for the prom. (HD) (future America.

(R) (HD) from an inquisitive boy. (HD) TNT Bones "The Girl in the (TV14) (HD) Law Order "Darwinian" (TV14) (HD) NBA Basketball Los Angeles Lakers at San Antonio Spurs from The Center LIVE NBA Basketball Cleveland Cavaliers vs Phoenix Suns LIVE TOON Flapjack 6Teen 6Teen Chowder Flapjack Island '6Teen King (TVPG) King (TVPG) Family Family TRUTV Police (TV14) Cops Cops Speeders Speeders World's Dumbest (N) WW Videos WW Videos Speeders Speeders TVLND Hogan Hogan Griffith Griffith Griffith Griffith Reunion (R) Griffith Cosby Cosby Cosby Cosby USA INCIS "Escaped" (TV14) (HD) NCIS "The Curse" (TV14) (HD) House "Daddy's Boy' (TVPG) (HD) House "Spin" (TVPG) (HD) NCIS 'The Bone Yard" (TV14) (HD) Law Order: Special Victims Unit "Ridicule" (HD) VS. Fishing Roland Mar- Magazine Bill Dance Outdoors Fishing Roland Mar- World Extreme Cagefighting from Amencan Bank Center in Corpus Chnsti. Texas Sports Soup Total Bull World Extreme Cagefight (RI tin tin VH1 it Love Money (TV14) (R) Sober House (TV14) (R) House (TV14) (R) Sober House (TV14) (R). Sober House (TV14) (N) (:05) Sober House (TV14) WGN Becker Becker Home Videos (TVPG) Sleepover (2004) Four friends enter a scavenger hunt.

WGN News at Nine (N) Scrubs Scrubs 6PM 6:30 7PM 7:30 8PM 8:30 9PM 9:30 10PM 10:30 11PM 11:30.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.